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Dr. J. (Jorie) Versmissen

Associate Professor

  • Department
  • Internal medicine and hospital pharmacy

About Dr. J. (Jorie) Versmissen


I am an internist-clinical pharmacologist specialized in vascular medicine and particularly hypertension and cardiovascular side effects of anticancer drugs. 

Field(s) of expertise

  • Vascular medicine;
  • Hypertension;
  • Clinical pharmacology;
  • Cardio-oncology;
  • Cardiovascular pharmacology.

Education and career

I did next to my medical training a research master in molecular medicin, which I finished in 2004. After my graduation as MD in 2006 I did my PhD traject from 2007-2010 which I defended in 2012 cum laude. From 2010-2016 I did my clinical training as internist including two subspecializations: clinical pharmacology and vascular medicine. Directly after, I started as staff member with a research line in hypertension. Currently, I am also building my research line in cardio-oncology (or vascular oncology) focusing on cardiovascular side effects of anticancer treatment such as angiogenesis inhibitor-induced toxicity.

Supervising PhD students

I currently supervise five Phd students:

  • Laura Peeters RHYME RCT (see grants); drug adherence in resistant hypertension
  • Dimokrat Hassan Deprescribing and optimizing antihypertensive treatment in elderly
  • Laura Kalfsvel Education in pharmacotherapy
  • Daan van Dorst Angiogenesis inhibitor-induced toxicity
  • Roos Sablerolles Role of medication and frailty in COVID.

Finished PhD students

  • 2021: Lida Feyz Renal denervation and drug adherence
  • 2020: Suzanne Schol-Gelok; Influence of (co-) medication on haemostatic biomarkers


Publications I am most proud of:

  1. Peeters LEJ, Feyz L, Boersma E, Daemen J, van Gelder T, Koch BCP, Versmissen J. Clinical applicability of Monitoring Antihypertensive drug levels in blood. Hypertension 2020;76:80-86.  
    The result of one of my first small grants used to develop a novel method to measure antihypertensive drug levels in a dried blood spot.
  2. Versmissen J, Oosterveer DM, Yazdanpanah M, Defesche JC, Basart DC, Liem AH, Heeringa J, Witteman JC, Lansberg PJ, Kastelein JJ, Sijbrands EJ. Efficacy of statins in familial hypercholesterolaemia: a long term cohort study. BMJ 2008;337:a2423. 
    First article of my PhD traject; based on my own research idea 
  3. Overgaauw N, Alsma J, Brink A, Hameli E, Bahmany S, Peeters LEJ, Schuit SCE, Koch BCP, Versmissen J. Drug non-adherence is a common but often overlooked cause of hypertensive urgency and emergency at the emergency department. J Hypertens 2018;37:1048-1057. 
    Largest prospective study at the emergency department so far to asses drug adherence using therapeutic drug monitoring
  4. Atiq F, van den Bemt PM, Leebeek FW, Van Gelder T, Versmissen J. A systematic review on the accumulation of prophylactic dosages of low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWHs) in patients with renal insufficiency. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2015;71:921-9. 
    Clear overview by one of my best master students showing that accumulation depends on molecular size of specific LMWH. My first article as last author.
  5. Mirabito Colafella KM, Neuman RI, Visser W, Danser AHJ, Versmissen J. Aspirin for the prevention and treatment of pre-eclampsia: A matter of COX-1 and/or COX-2 inhibition? Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2019 Online ahead of print.
    Aspirin is given as prophylactic drug for preeclampsia, but the evidence is scarce. We made a very concise overview of pathways involved, also important for angiogenesis inhibitor-induced toxicitiy since pathogenesis overlaps.

A complete overview of publications can be found on Pubmed.


Teaching activities

Next to research, I am very active in teaching. My most important activities:

  • Bachelor lectures on hypertension;
  • Master coordinator Internal Medicine and coordinator for the cardiovascalur/pulmonary week;
  • Project leader student run clinic for better prescribers;
  • In the area of clinical pharmacology: pharmacogenetics, drug safety and polypharmacy in the master and for several other groups such as nurse practitioners, Erasmus University College, registrars internal medicine etcetera;
  • “Geneesmiddel van de Week”: small movies with 1-2 key messages on drugs. Example: https://youtu.be/hnAEzovrUbs.

Other positions

2021-now EMA Scientific Advisory Group Cardiovascular

2019-now Educational lead Clinical Pharmacology

2019-now Chair  “geneesmiddelencommissie” Erasmus MC

2017-now Board member/secretary Dutch Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Biopharmacy (NVKFB)

2019-now Review panel member ZonMw Rational Pharmacotherapy (GGG) open round

2016-2019 Member “Jong CBG” (Medicines Evalution Board)

Scholarships, grants, and awards

Research grants as PI:

2020 50k Erasmus MC Mrace efficiency pilot grant Optimizing hypertension therapy in the elderly: preventing harm and reducing healthcare costs

2019 196k Innovatiefonds Zorgverzekeraars (co-PI/project leader) Aanpak van overbehandeling met bloeddrukverlagers bij ouderen via een elektronische beslisregel

2018 20k Stichting De Merel “Prevention of VEGF inhibitor-induced toxicity by salt restriction”

2017 30k Stichting De Merel “Protecting mother and baby: targeting the endothelin-1 system in complicated pregnancies”

2016 454k ZonMw “Resistant HYpertension: MEasure to ReaCh Targets (RHYME-RCT)”

2014 50k Erasmus MC efficiency pilot grant “Monitoring Adherence to Antihypertensive Drugs by using a Dried Blood Spot.”

2014 20k Nierstichting “Safe thromboprofylaxis in patients with renal insufficiency”


Several research grants as co-applicant



2018 182k HoKa (Hoger Onderwijs Kwaliteitsagenda; funding for improvement in quality of higher education) Student run clinic for better prescribers

My Groups