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D.C.H. (Daan) van Dorst

PhD student

  • Department
  • Internal Medicine (Divisions of Pharmacology and Vascular Medicine) and Internal Oncology
  • Focus area
  • Cardio-Oncology
External Profile

About D.C.H. (Daan) van Dorst


My PhD project focuses on the mechanisms and prevention of cardiovascular toxicity of anti-cancer treatments, in particular angiogenesis inhibitors and immune checkpoint inhibitors. By combining preclinical and clinical research, I aim to minimize cardiovascular risk in cancer patients by gaining improved insight into the pathophysiology and to identify clinical risk factors for the occurrence of this toxicity.  

Field(s) of expertise

  • Cardio-Oncology

  • Pharmacology

  • Hypertension 

Education and career

In 2013 I started studying Medicine at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. In 2016 I obtained my BSc in Medicine and started my first year of the MSc in Molecular Medicine Program. I obtained my MSc in Medicine in 2020 and my MSc in Molecular Medicine in 2021. Since 2020 I am working as a MD & PhD candidate (arts-promovendus) at the departments of Internal Medicine (Divisions of Pharmacology and Vascular Medicine) and Internal Oncology under supervision of dr. Versmissen, prof. Mathijssen and prof. Danser. 


A complete overview of publications can be found on Pubmed.

Teaching activities

Educational activities include teaching for the Minor “Toxic” (week on pharmacovigilance and cardio-oncology) and education on pharmacology to medical students. 

Scholarships, grants, and awards


  • Gert van Montfransprijs 2021 – Nederlandse Hypertensie Vereniging (NHV)

  • Paul Dudley White International Scholar Award 2021 – American Heart Association (AHA)