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Profile picture of Laura Peeters

L.E.J. (Laura) Peeters

PhD student

  • Focus area
  • internal medicine/hospital pharmacy
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About L.E.J. (Laura) Peeters


Laura Peeters is a PharmD and currently working as clinical pharmacologist in training and PhD-student on the topic ‘adherence and resistant hypertension’ at the internal medicine and hospital pharmacy department. For the latter, she is performing and coordinating a multi-center randomized controlled trial called RHYME-RCT to improve non-adherence in patient with resistant hypertension by the means of a dried blood spot (DBS) method combined with feedback conversations. She also has a special interest in education and takes seat on the national committee of the pharmacotherapy test for medical students.

Field(s) of expertise

  • Antihypertensive drugs
  • Hypertension
  • (non)-Adherence
  • Dried blood spot
  • (Elderly)

Education and career

As a PhD-student Laura Peeters is working on a multi-center randomized controlled trial called RHYME-RCT which stands for Resistant HYpertension: Measure to ReaCh Targets. PI of this study is Dr. Jorie Versmissen. For this study patients with resistant hypertension from peripheral and academic hospitals are included and submitted to a 24-hour ABPM to confirm their real blood pressure. Thereafter, non-adherence is tested by means of a dried blood spot (DBS)which can measure antihypertensive drug concentrations in blood and feedback conversations in the intervention arm will be used to improve this non-adherence.

Clinical pharmacologist in training (main topics geriatrics, adults and children with cardiovascular diseases)

Master of Science Pharmacy 


Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics considerations in the treatment of the elderly patient with hypertension. Peeters LEJ, Kester MP, Feyz L, van den Bemt PMLA, Koch BCP, van Gelder T, Versmissen J. Expert Opin Drug Metob Toxicol. Apr 2019.

Drug nonadherence is a common but often overlooked cause of hypertensive urgency and emergency at the emergency department
Overgaauw N, Alsma J, Brank A, Hameli E, Bahmany S, Peeters LEJ … Versmissen J. J. Hypertens. 7 jan 2019.

Personalized immunosuppression in elderly renal transplant recipients. Peeters LEJ, Andrews LM, Hesselink DA, de Winter BCM, van Gelder T. Pharmacol Res. 6 Mar 2018.

Comprehensive microRNA profiling in acetaminophen toxicity identifies novel circulating biomarkers for human liver and kidney injury. Vliegenthart ADB, Shaffer JM, Clarke JI, Peeters LEJ … Dear JW. Sci Rep. 22 Oct 2015

Teaching activities

Laura Peeters coordinates the pharmacotherapy test for medical students during their master and takes seat in the national committee for this test. She also created several e-learning with the use of Pscribe and gives classes on the topic of cardiovascular medicine, drug interactions and adherence among others.

Scholarships, grants, and awards

BKO certificate (basiskwalificatie onderwijs)
Pscribe innovation award 2017

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