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Profile picture of Robert Flint

Dr. R.B. (Robert) Flint

Assistant Professor

  • Department
  • Pharmacy and Neonatology

About Dr. R.B. (Robert) Flint


Robert is a Hospital Pharmacist in the Sophia Children’s Hospital, with his focus on neonatology and obstetrics. Since 2018 Robert is also appointed as postdoc to the Neonatology department which allows him  to further investigate the optimal pharmacotherapy for (preterm) neonates and healthy pregnancy outcomes. This research into the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics takes place in collaboration with LACDR Leiden, as well as with the Erasmus MC pharmacy. Currently, he organizes a multicenter placebo controlled RCT in 20 NICUs in the Netherlands and Belgium.

Field(s) of expertise

  • Neonatology.
  • Obstetrics.
  • Perinatal pharmacology.
  • Pharmacokinetics.
  • Pharmacodynamics.
  • Personalized ICT applications.

Education and career

Robert studied pharmacy at the Utrecht University in the Netherlands. After having obtained the master’s degree in 2006, Robert started his professional career as a pharmacist at the Department of Hospital Pharmacy of the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam and completed a residency in hospital pharmacy (supervisor prof. dr. L. Lie-A-Huen) in 2012. Here, he performed a study on the pharmacokinetics of S-ketamine in children at the pediatric intensive care unit. Afterwards, Robert did an internship as a pediatric clinical pharmacist in the Evelina Children’s Hospital in London. In June 2012, he started working as a hospital pharmacist at the Vlietland hospital in Schiedam.

In June 2013 he started his PhD research project on dosage optimization of five drugs used in preterm born infants, which had been awarded a ZonMw grant to prof. R. de Groot and colleagues. This was a multi-center research project at the Radboudumc in Nijmegen under supervision of prof. D.M. Burger, and at the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam under supervision of prof. D. Tibboel and dr. S.H.P. Simons. In 2015, Robert left the Vlietland hospital for a position as a laboratory pharmacist at the Erasmus MC, and in 2017 he was appointed as pediatric pharmacist at the Erasmus MC - Sophia Children’s Hospital and the Department of Neonatology.

Robert aims to further develop as a pediatric clinical pharmacist and help improve the infrastructure for pediatric research and implementation of new findings through close collaboration. As of June 2018, Robert is a clinical pharmacist at the Erasmus MC with a focus on Neonatology and Obstetrics in the Sophia Children’s Hospital.


A complete overview of publications can be found on Pubmed.

Teaching activities

  • Teacher to nurses, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, medical and pharmacy students, (pediatric) physicians.
  • Co-promotor of drs. Yunjiao Wu on describing population pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs in preterm infants (since 2019).
  • Co-promotor of drs. Samir el Abdouni on the personalization of pharmacotherapy using ICT (since 2021).
  • Supervision of research projects as part of Master’s degree in Medicine for Nienke Halbmeijer (2015) and Pharmaceutical Sciences: Soumya Quasti (2019), Laura Hendriksen (2020), Amal Haddouche (2021), Denise Hahn (2021).
  • Mentor for multiple residents in Hospital Pharmacy and PhD students (since 2017).

Other positions

  • Consultant for Dutch Pediatric Formulary to write and update drug monographs (since 2011). Since 2017 part of the expert group for translation of dosage and use for neonatal population.
  • Member of the Special Interest Group on pediatric Pharmacology for Dutch Association for Hospital Pharmacy (since 2010), since 2019 in the position of president.
  • Member of the European Society for Pediatric Research and part of the section ‘Pharmacology’ (since 2015).
  • Board of Sophia Research Postdoc Network in the Erasmus MC, Rotterdam (since 2019).

Scholarships, grants, and awards

  • Awarded with an international mentor as part of the Young Investigator Mentoring programme ESPR 2020.
  • Elected for Postdoc curriculum of TULIPS (Training Upcoming Leaders in Pediatric Science).
  • Personal award and grant in 2019 by the Dutch Association for Hospital Pharmacy for my contribution to training hospital pharmacists, my innovative vision and coaching education-style (€ 1.000).

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