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L. (Laura) Zwaan, PhD

Associate professor

About L. (Laura) Zwaan, PhD


Laura has a background in cognitive psychology (MSc 2005) and epidemiology (MSc 2010) and obtained a PhD degree on the topic of ‘Diagnostic Reasoning and Diagnostic Error in Medicine’ from the VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam, The Netherlands in 2012.
Laura’s research focuses on clinical reasoning, diagnostic error and medical education and she is committed to contribute to diagnostic error reduction through both fundamental and applied research. Her versatile background enabled her to use a wide range of research methods including observations, record reviews and experimental studies.


Teaching activities

  • Development of cross-disciplination educational program for residents on patient safety (2022-2023).
  • Participation in various courses on patient safety and diagnostic error, nationally and internationally
  • Guest lectures at various universities and schools of applied sciences on diagnostic reasoning, diagnostic error and patient safety.

Other positions

  • Associate editor of Diagnosis (2014-present)
  • Member of the VENA board (academic network for women in the Erasmus MC) (2018-present)
  • Chair of Young Erasmus Academy (2023-present)
  • Chair and co-chair and planning committee member of the European conference on Diagnostic Error in Medicine (between 2016-2024)
  • Member of the research committee of the Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine (chair between 2015-2017)

Scholarships, grants, and awards

  • 2023 NWO Vidi grant Talent Scheme Laureate
  • 2022 KIPRIME fellowship program for the next leaders in Medical education (Karolinska Institute, Sweden)
  • 2021 Recipient of the Mark Graber award for Diagnostic Quality and Safety, prestigious life-time achievement award.
  • 2019 CLI fellowship for research in Education at the Erasmus University
  • 2018 Winner of the prize for best oral abstract presentation at the Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine, Diagnostic Error in medicine conference, New Orleans
  • 2017 Erasmus MC Fellowship, fellowship for Erasmus MC research talent
  • 2016 NWO Veni grant Talent Scheme Laureate
  • 2016 Female Career Develop program for talented women in the Erasmus MC
  • 2015 Winner of the Patient Panel poster prize, NAEDI early cancer diagnosis conference, London UK.