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Profilephoto of Wierdsma A.I. (André) PhD

A.I. Wierdsma, PhD


  • Department
  • Psychiatry

About A.I. Wierdsma, PhD


After the study of sociology at the University of Leiden, specialising in methods and techniques of social research, experience with qualitative analyses was gained in a study of religious symbols and rituals in the public domain.

As senior researcher at the Municipal Health Service Rotterdam-Rijnmond, Department of Epidemiology and Health Policy, studies were conducted into public health developments and use of psychiatric services.

As policy officer interests and involvements extended to healthcare for severely mentally ill patients in general and more specifically the use of compulsory admission to psychiatric hospitals. Currently working as assistant professor of social psychiatry within the field of mental health services research with emphasis on longitudinal studies of patterns of care. 

Education and career

  • 2007 - : Assistant Professor of Social Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, Erasmus University Rotterdam.
  • 1987 – 2007: (Senior) Researcher and Health Policy Officer, Interim manager Department of Public Mental Health, Municipal Health Service Rotterdam-Rijnmond.
  • 1984 – 1987: Research Fellow, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) – STEGON (Stichting voor Theologisch en Godsdienstwetenschappelijk Onderzoek).
  • 1981 – 1983: Teaching assistant, Department of General Philosophical Sociology, Sociological Institute, University of Leiden.
  • 1980 – 1981: Teaching assistant, Department of Research Methods & Techniques, Sociological Institute, University of Leiden.


Publications on ResearchGate

Scholarships, grants, and awards

  • 2002: Honorable mention in the Prof. Dr. L. Burema Award granted for “Gezondheid in kaart”.
  • 1999: Public Mental Health Award, granted by the Association of Community Health Services in the Netherlands for “Evaluation of Local Care Net¬works”.
  • 1994: World Health Organization Fellowship in Health Services Research at the Royal College of Psychiatrists (Research Unit). 

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