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J. (Judith) Veldman

PhD candidate

  • Department
  • Orthopedics & Sports Medicine

About J. (Judith) Veldman


When finishing my Research Master in Molecular Medicine, I had the upportunity to continue my work at the department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine with a PhD project on Drug Discovery in Osteoarthritis funded by TKI-matching grant HypOA and TTW perspective grant OAinject.

Education and career

2022 - MSc in Medicine - Erasmus University Rotterdam
2022 - Msc in Molecular Medicine - Erasmus University Rotterdam


Publications & profile on PURE

Teaching activities

2015-2022 SkillsPlaza - Teaching of surgical suturing, IV cannulation, vene puncture and bladder catheterisation to Medicine master students

Current research project


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