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Andrea Schwab

A. R. (Andrea) Schwab, PostDoc


  • Department
  • Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery & Department of Orthopedics & Sports Medicine
External Profile

About A. R. (Andrea) Schwab, PostDoc


My research focuses on studying chondrocyte subpopulations in disease and cartilage repair. Specifically, I am interested in the zone of calcified cartilage, the thin interfacial layer connecting the non-calcified cartilage and subchondral bone. I am also interested in biomaterials to support and stimulate musculoskeletal tissue repair.

I am also part of the Bone Tissue Engineering Lab in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.

Field(s) of expertise

Tissue engineering, cartilage and osteochondral model, biomaterials, 3D bioprinting, bioreactors

Education and career

2008-2011: Bachelor of Science in Technology of functional Materials (JMU Wuerzburg)
2011-2013: Master of Science (equal to Dipl. Ing.) in Technology of functional materials (JMU Wuerzburg)
2013-2017: PhD Degree (Dr. rer. nat.) at Graduate School of Life Sciences – Section Biomedicine, Julius-Maximilians-University (JMU) Wuerzburg 
2018-2021: Postdoctoral researcher at AO Research Institute Davos, Focus area: Biomedical Materials
2021-present Postdoctoral Researcher at Erasmus MC, Bone Tissue engineering lab


Publications on Pubmed

Teaching activities

Supervision of bachelor and master students


Scholarships, grants, and awards


Best poster award - TERMIS EU Student and Young Investigator Section (SYIS), 1st place, May 2019

ON/EORS kick starter grant in Osteoarthritic Research (Grant No 20-149, 10 000 €), November 2020

ON/EORS education scholarship to attend the EORS Annual Meeting in Rome (ITA), September 2021

Current research project

HypOA (MC-TKI-LSH, Health Holland)

My Groups