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Profile picture of Evelien de Schepper
Principal Investigator

E.I.T. (Evelien) de Schepper, PhD

Assistant Professor

  • Department
  • General Practice
  • Focus area
  • Musculoskeletal disorders

About E.I.T. (Evelien) de Schepper, PhD


Evelien de Schepper is an assistant professor working in the Department of General Practice at Erasmus MC. She is a trained general practitioner (NP) and epidemiologist.

In 2011 she obtained a Master of Science in Clinical Epidemiology at the Netherlands Institute for Health Sciences (NIHES).

In early 2015 she completed the GP training (AIOTHO) and in 2016 she received her PhD on the subject 'Diagnostics in low back pain' at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Currently, she is working as the coordinator of the 'Rijnmond Gezond' database, a database including anonymized health records of >250.000 primary care patients in the Rijnmond region.

Her research is mainly focused on the primary health care in the Rijnmond region, the use of diagnostics in primary care, and musculoskeletal disorders.

Furthermore, she developed as a teacher more than 30 'Virtual Patients', an educational program that allows medical students to practice their clinical reasoning skills using virtual patient cases.


Scholarships, grants, and awards

Received grants of Fonds Alledaagse Ziekten and Citrien Fonds

Rijnmond Gezond

For the website of Rijnmond Gezond, please follow this link.