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Profile picture of Marij Roebroeck

M.E. (Marij) Roebroeck, PhD

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

  • Department
  • Rehabilitation Medicine
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About M.E. (Marij) Roebroeck, PhD

Field(s) of expertise

My research focuses on the development of children with neurodisabilities into adulthood and the effectiveness of age-appropriate interventions during the lifespan, aiming to better predict developmental trajectories and outcomes in several life areas and to provide innovative interventions in pediatric and adult care. With my group at Erasmus MC and Rijndam Rehabilitation I am internationally at the forefront of lifespan research in rehabilitation medicine. I study children with brain disorders at young age in the Pediatric Brain Center at Erasmus MC- Sophia Children’s Hospital and the Netherlands CP Register for routine outcome measurements in children and youth with CP to improve their health and optimize patient care. I am co-leading the long term PERRIN study to follow-up adolescents with cerebral palsy (CP) into adulthood, and set up international consortia to develop core sets of outcomes for adults with CP. 

Education and career

I have a MSc in Human Movement Science, VU University Amsterdam and a PhD in Rehabilitation Medicine from the VU University, Amsterdam. I am associate professor at the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine since 2008. I published over 110 publications, chapters in pediatric or rehabilitation handbooks and gave (invited) presentations on international congresses on cerebral palsy and rehabilitation medicine.

Teaching activities

I teach on recent knowledge on development of children with neurodisability and transition to adulthood in Minor (Bach degree) programs of Rehabilitation Medicine of Erasmus MC and in national postgraduate courses on Pediatric Rehabilitation and Cerebral Palsy for residents in rehabilitation medicine (AIOS). I supervise and coordinate resident research (AIOS) of Rijndam Rehabilitation/ Erasmus MC, and research meetings for PhD students and junior researchers of the department.

Other positions

I am presently Chair of the Lifespan Care Committee of the American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine.
I am member of the Working Committee Pediatric Brain Center of Erasmus MC- Sophia Children’s Hospital and co-investigator of the ACEs BrainMotion and Health Care Quality. Furthermore, I am member of the Steering Committees of the Netherlands CP Register and of the PERRIN Consortium (Pediatric Rehabilitation Research in the Netherlands), and member of the Advisory Board of CP-Net, the national network to improve care for children and adults with Cerebral Palsy.  

My Groups

  • Rehabilitation Medicine
  • Child Brain Lab