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N.S. (Noortje) Riedstra, PhD

PhD - candidate

  • Department
  • Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine

About N.S. (Noortje) Riedstra, PhD


I received my master’s degree of medicine in February 2021 from the University of Groningen. During my internships I quickly developed an interest in Orthopaedic Surgery, which only increased after a year of clinical experience. I got the opportunity to start a PhD at the department of Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine at Erasmus MC in January 2022.

Education and career

MSc of Medicine


Publications in Pubmed

Current research projects

The Worldwide Collaboration on OsteoArthritis prediCtion for the Hip (World COACH) consortium brings together all globally available prospective cohort studies on hip osteoarthritis. The aim of the  consortium is to advance the principles of osteoarthritis of the hip. My reserach specifically focusses on a number of hip morphologies such as Pincer morphology or acetabular dysplasia, and the risk of developing of hip osteoarthritis. Based on these risk factors among others, we ultimately aim to create a personalized prediction model for osteoarthritis


For more information click here to see the website of the  World COACH Consortium.