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D.E. (Duncan) Meuffels, MD PhD

Associate Professor, orthopaedic surgeon

Orthopedic surgeon

  • Department
  • Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine

About D.E. (Duncan) Meuffels, MD PhD


I am a Sport Orthopaedic and Complex Knee Instability Surgeon, who is actively involved in research of the knee. In 2011 I defended my thesis “Novel Insights in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury”. The research group is focused on clinical research investigating traumatic knee injuries such as meniscal, anterior cruciate ligament injury and knee luxations and its sequelae. A number of multi centre trials and a European network for multi ligamentous knee injuries are headed from the Erasmus MC. The group consists of a senior research coordinator Dr Reijman, a research assistent Mrs van Es and six PhD students supported by a number of Master students.

Field(s) of expertise

Sport and Knee Trauma Surgery.

Education and career

Medical training at the Free University, Amsterdam. Research at Penn State University USA, Orthopaedic Residency The Hague and Rotterdam.


Publications on pubmed

Publications & Profile on PURE

Teaching activities

Teacher at the faculty of medicine Erasmus University Rotterdam / Erasmus MC, teacher at the Hogeschool Rotterdam and Breederode Hogeschool

Other positions

Consultant and external staf member Rijndam Rehabilitation clinic, consultant Scapino Ballet, consultant football club Feyenoord and Excelsior.

Scholarships, grants, and awards

Dutch Arthritis Society, Nordic Orthopaedic Federation, Zon MW.

Current research projects

Complex Knee Instability, Meniscus, Anterior Cruciate Ligament

For information about the Rotate trial click here