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Profile picture of Kevin van Leeuwen

K.D.B. (Kevin) van Leeuwen

PhD Student

  • Department
  • General Practice
  • Focus area
  • Musculoskeletal disorders

About K.D.B. (Kevin) van Leeuwen


Kevin van Leeuwen is a general practitioner in training and PhD student in the field of musculoskeletal disorders.

He completed his medical degree in 2015 at the Erasmus University Medical Center.

In 2013 he wrote his master thesis at the department of General Practice, a systematic review of risk factors for plantar fasciopathy that was published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

During his bachelor and master in Medicine he worked at the Medium Care Cardiology department at the Erasmus MC supporting the medical staff in patient care.

Field(s) of expertise

His PhD project focuses on risk factors and treatment of gout in general practice. For this research, an observational prospective cohort was designed to determine the influence of diet, lifestyle and medication use on the number of gout attacks.

Also a retrospective study will be performed to assess the relationship between cardiovascular diseases and gout, using data from medical records in the Integrated Primary Care Information database.

During his PhD project, he will be enrolled at the Master of Science in Clinical Epidemiology at the Netherlands Institute for Health Sciences (NIHES)


Teaching activities

  • Lessons in clinical reasoning in Bachelor and Master of Science in Medicine

Co-supervised theses:

  • The Influence of Allopurinol on the Frequency of Self-Reported Gout Attacks in Patients Diagnosed With Gout in General Practice.
  • The Relationship between Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Gout and Uric Acid Levels.
  • Effect of Diet on the Frequency of Gout Attacks and Serum Uric Acid Levels: A Systematic Review.
  • Characteristics of Patients with Gout in Dutch Primary Care: A Baseline Description.

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