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Principal Investigator

G.J.L.H. (Arno) van Leenders, Prof. Dr.

Professor of Urological Pathology, Principal Investigator

  • Department
  • Pathology

About G.J.L.H. (Arno) van Leenders, Prof. Dr.


Dr. G.J.L.H. van Leenders (calling name Arno, 1971) studied Medicine at the Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands. After his graduation, he became a resident at the department of Pathology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre. He combined his residency with a PhD research project, sponsored by The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw). In 2003, he successfully defended his PhD thesis “Stem cell biology of human prostate epithelium: implications for carcinogenesis”. During his training, he spent a total of 6 months at the departments of Pathology and Urology, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, USA.

After finishing his residency in 2005, he started working as urogenital y pathologist at the Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. In the scope of his professional specialization, he founded his own research group on prostate cancer. Currently he has more than 100 scientific publications in the field of urogenital pathology. Since 2012 dr. Van Leenders is an Associate Professor in pathology and director of the pathology residency program at Erasmus MC.

Field(s) of expertise

Urogenital pathology


Scholarships, grants, and awards

Stichting Jaap Schouten Foundation: De toegevoegde waarde van cribriforme groei bij prostaatbiopt risco weging (budget:  € 256.326)

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