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L. (Loes) de Kleijn

PhD Student

  • Department
  • General Practice
  • Focus area
  • Opioid prescribing in primary care

About L. (Loes) de Kleijn


Msc. L. de Kleijn graduated as a medical doctor (Msc “cum laude”, Erasmus Medical Center) in 2017. As a doctor she has experience in the field of geriatrics, elderly care and family medicine. Currently she is training to become a general practitioner at Erasmus MC. Besides her medical career she has a background in Medical Anthropology and Sociology (Msc. “Cum laude”, University of Amsterdam) with special interest in overcoming trauma and experiences of violence to mind and body. Since 2020 she has been working at the department of General Practice at Erasmus MC. Here she works on developing a minimal intervention strategy to reduce inappropriate opioid prescribing in primary care.


For publications of Loes de Kleijn, please follow this link.

Loes is currently involved in a project researching the minimal intervention strategy for opioid reduction in primary care.

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Scholarships, grants, and awards

Loes received a grant from ZonMW.

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