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Profile picture of Nicole Hunfeld

Dr. N.G.M. (Nicole) Hunfeld

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

  • Department
  • Pharmacy and Intensive Care

About Dr. N.G.M. (Nicole) Hunfeld


My field of expertise in research is ICU pharmacology and medication safety. I work together with ICU medical staff members in unravelling questions about ICU pharmacology. Another research field is medication safety. I joined multiple projects about this topic.

  • My thesis (2010) involved pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and pharmacogenetics of proton pump inhibitors. My PhD project was supervised by Prof Dr Ernst Kuipers.
  • After my thesis I specialized in Intensive Care clinical pharmacology, especially in the topics pharmacokinetics of antibiotics and the efficacy of haloperidol in delirium.

Field(s) of expertise

  • Clinical pharmacology;
  • Medication safety;
  • Intensive care pharmacology;
  • Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and pharmacogenetics.

Education and career

  • Pharmacy, University of Utrecht.
  • PhD, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam.
  • BROK.
  • BKO.


A complete overview of publications can be found here

Teaching activities

Lots of experience in teaching medical students, nurses, MDs in clinical pharmacology.

Other positions

Assistant professor.

Scholarships, grants, and awards

Multiple zonMw grants ICU and pharmacy.

My Groups