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M.L.A. (Magali) Heijkoop

PhD student

  • Department
  • Hospital Pharmacy
External Profile

About M.L.A. (Magali) Heijkoop


Magali is a pharmacist and PhD student at Erasmus MC. She developed an interest in education during an internship at the training program for pharmacy assistants at ROC Amsterdam. After graduating in early 2022 she worked as a pharmacist focussing on medication safety before starting her PhD research at the Erasmus MC early 2023.

Her research focusses on how to educate medical students to prescribe medicines rational and safely. She has a special interest in using podcasts as an educational tool to teach pharmacology, and the influence of the pharmacotherapy curriculum on the prescribing behaviour of junior doctors.

Field(s) of expertise

  • Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy education
  • Medication safety
  • Educational podcasting

Education and career

  • Pharmacy (BSc, MSc), Utrecht University (2015-2022)
  • Pharmacist, Amsterdam UMC (2022)
  • PhD candidate, Erasmus MC (01/2023-present)


A complete overview of publications can be found on Pubmed.

Teaching activities

Teaching activities include teaching pharmacology and pharmacotherapy to bachelor and master medical students, and supervising research projects for master students.

Other positions

Affiliate member of the Institute of Medical Education Research Rotterdam (iMERR).

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