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Profilephoto N.H. Grootendorst - van Mil PhD

N.H. Grootendorst - van Mil, PhD

Principle Investigator the iBerry Study

  • Department
  • Psychiatry
  • Focus area
  • Applied Social and Forensic Psychiatry

About N.H. Grootendorst - van Mil, PhD


The goals of my research program are to understand environmental and neurobiological risk factors for the development of adolescent-onset neuropsychiatric disorders. This research is primarely embedded in the iBerry cohort (www.iberrystudy.nl).

This longitudinal cohort study follows 1.022 adolescents from the Rotterdam Rijnmond region. I received my Ph.D. in child psychiatric epidemiology (the Generation R Study) in 2016. Currently, I work as psychiatrist at the outpatient clinic of the deparment of psychiatry. 


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