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Carolien van Deurzen
Principal Investigator

C.H.M. (Carolien) van Deurzen, Associate Professor

Principal Investigator

  • Department
  • Pathology

About C.H.M. (Carolien) van Deurzen, Associate Professor


Since my cum laude dissertation in 2009, my research continued to be focused on breast cancer. In 2013, I won a four-year postdoctoral fellowship, which enabled me to establish my own research line in breast carcinogenesis. Besides, I studied the role of the micro-environment on breast cancer progression and treatment response.

As a clinical pathologist and researcher, specialized in breast pathology, I’m involved in both patient care and translational research. I experience this combination as a good position to define and investigate several clinically relevant research topics.

Field(s) of expertise

  • Precursor lesions of breast cancer, mainly ductal carcinoma in situ
  • Tumor micro-environment
  • Biomarkers (HER2-low, PD-L1)
  • Triple negative breast cancer
  • Epidemiological research with PALGA (Dutch National Pathology Registry) data

Education and career

2003: MD, University Medical Center Utrecht 
2009: Clinical Pathologist and PhD (cum laude), University Medical Center Utrecht
2010: Research fellowship: Nottingham Breast Institute, Nottinham, United Kingdom 
2019: Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam 
2019: Principal Investigator, Department of Pathology, Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam 


Overall, I published over 165 international peer reviewed articles, several articles in national and international newspapers and websites and I co-authored the latest edition of the WHO classification Tumours of the Breast. 

Publication overview in Pubmed

Overview of research output in Pure

Teaching activities

  • Medical School, Bachelor, plenary lectures and skills education in breast pathology 
  • Medical School, Master, general pathology education
  • Medical Technology, Plenary lecture including the interface of pathology and technology 
  • Medical specialists in training for oncology, surgery, radiotherapy: basics in breast pathology  
  • Daily supervison of Pathologists in Training 

Other positions


  • Research Committee of PALGA, chair
  • Patient care committee, Department of Pathology, chair
  • Dutch Breast Cancer Research Group (BOOG), working group on diagnostics, member
  • European Organisation of Research and Treatment of Cancer, International Male Breast Cancer Steering Group, member
  • Dutch breast pathology expertise group, member
  • Heriditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Netherlands (HEBON), advisor 

Scholarships, grants, and awards

2010: Best thesis of the year, awarded by the Society of Medical Oncology

2013-2017: Fellowship Erasmus MC

2018: Role of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes during breast carcinogenesis, Aspasia,



My Groups