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Cohen, Abigael

A. (Abigael) Cohen, PhD candidate


  • Department
  • Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine
External Profile

About A. (Abigael) Cohen, PhD candidate


After finishing my medical study at the Erasmus MC in 2016, I started my career as a resident not in training at the department of Surgery in different hospitals. After gaining some clinical experience, I focused on science. In 2018, I started my PhD project at the department of Orhtopaedic Surgery. My PhD focuses on the scaphoid bone. I am studying patients with different problems regarding their scaphoid bone; from patients with a clinically suspected scaphoid fracture to patients with scaphoid nonunion. My biggest project is a large randomized controlled trail to study if patients with a clinically suspected scaphoid fracture can be treated with supportive bandage instead of cast. We are studying both clinical outcomes, as well as patient-reported outcomes and cost-effectiveness. 

Field(s) of expertise

Scaphoid bone

Education and career

I went to medical school at the Erasmus MC. After finishing medical school, I worked as a resident not in training at the surgery department at different hospitals. 


Publications on Pubmed

Publications & Prfile on PURE

Teaching activities

Coaching medical students, Supervising Msc medical students, assisting with writing assessment minor orthopaedic sports traumatology

Other positions

Chair of resident association Erasmus MC

Scholarships, grants, and awards

Funding from ZonMW and co-funding form CZ

Current research project

My PhD focuses on the scaphoid bone