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Profile picture of Hans Bussmann

J.B.J. (Hans) Bussmann, PhD

Senior researcher, Associate Professor

  • Department
  • Rehabilitation Medicine

About J.B.J. (Hans) Bussmann, PhD


Research of Hans Bussmann aims at understanding and improving physical behaviour (PB) of people with chronic conditions, and to apply this in rehabilitation care. In this research the focus is on the use of technology in the “at home” situation. Although the theme of research is not population-specific, his research focuses on people with acquired neurological conditions such as stroke. 
Studies include topics as the development, validation and application of objective measurement and feedback devices. Examples of this are posture and motion monitors, a wheelchair monitor, an objective stress monitor, and an upper limb use monitor for stroke patients. Research increasingly aims at integration in ehealth applications (e.g. in collaboration with Medical Delta partners), and at integrating prolonged daily life measurements with technology-supported exercise. Besides own research, Hans Bussmann is involved in several physical behaviour projects of other groups, both within and outside Erasmus MC. 
In 2008 Hans Bussmann initiated the ICAMPAM conference (International Conference for Ambulatory Measurement of Physical Activity and Movement) and in 2015 the International Society for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour (ISMPB).

Field(s) of expertise

  • Physical behaviour/physical activity;
  • People with chronic conditions;
  • Application of sensor-technology in research and treatment;
  • objective measurement in real-life settings;
  • e-health;

Education and career

  • 1986-1991: Human Movement Sciences, VU Amsterdam
  • 1992­-1998: junior researcher Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine, Erasmus University; PhD thesis on “Ambulatory monitoring of mobility-related activities in Rehabilitation Medicine” 
  • 1998-2006: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine, ErasmusMC
  • 2006- : Associate Professor, Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine, ErasmusMC

Teaching activities

Current teaching:

  • Methodological/academic education for first-year Clinical Technology students, within the Academic Development course (“Stappenteller opdracht)
  • Minor Rehabilitation & Sports (Bachelor Medicine, Erasmus University / Leiden University; Bachelor Clinical Technology, Delft University of Technology/Leiden University/Erasmus University). Teaching about physical behaviour combined with a practical training;
  • Department’s coordinator of Erasmus MC Master Research projects;
  • Department’s coordinator of external internships
  • Contribution to the VRA’s Active Lifestyle and Sports course (residents Physical Rehabilitation Medicine; Netherlands Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine).
  • Guest teacher (e.g. The Hague University of Applied Sciences)

Other positions

  • Member scientific staff department of Rehabilitation Medicine
  • Member steering committee COLER (collaboration Erasmus MC – Rijndam – Libra)
  • Member PhD committee Erasmus MC
  • member of the Medical Delta Steering Group Ehealth and Selfmanagement
  • member of the Erasmus MC steering group eHealth en innovatie in het zorgdomein
  • Member Medical Delta Living Lab steering group Revalidatietechnologie
  • Participation in ACE BrainMotion and ACE Obesity
  • member of the Scientific Committee of the Dutch Society of Rehabilitation Specialists
  • member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Prinses Beatrix Fund
  • Vice-President of the International Society for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour
  • Member of Physical Activity Community Erasmus MC (PACE)

Scholarships, grants, and awards

Recent grants:
2018: TKI (KEuro 280) An ActiviTy TRACker for the hand: Improving daily-life hand functioning after stroke by objective activity Feedback (ATTRACTIF); projectleader
2018: Medical Delta 2.0 (kEuro 380) Benefit for all: towards an ecosystem for healthy living; co-applicant
2019: Erasmus MC (kEuro 280): Mobilization and physical activity of hospitalized patients - Optimizing patient care using advanced sensor technology; co-applicant

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